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The School of Art and Design is an educational institution specializing in art and design at the University of Tsukuba. The School develops creative experts in art and design with broad perspectives by leveraging an outstanding university environment that provides state-of-the-art multidisciplinary education and smaller, more personalized class sizes (up to 100 students per year of study) in 14 areas of specialization. Our graduates include influential artists, designers, and researchers that are actively contributing to society.
Curriculum (simple version)
Students develop their own curriculum by choosing courses required for graduation based on their own interests and goals.
First- and second-year students
Students hone a wide range of basic skills, while determining their interests and aptitude for the field of study that they wish to specialize in.
[Classes Example]
- General Foundation Subjects
Common Foundation Subjects: Multidisciplinary Subjects, Foreign Language, Information Literacy, Physical Education, Freshman Seminar.
Specific Foundation Subjects: Subjects Related to Teaching, Subject related to the Museum.
- Foundation Subjects for Major
Art Career Education, Introduction to Art and Design, Arts and Culture, Arts and Society, Art History Overview, Design History Overview
Third-year students
Students refine their specialized skill set according to their chosen specialty. Please see the home page of each field of study for descriptions of specialty courses (Major Subjects).
Fourth-year students
Students complete their graduation research projects according to their chosen research theme. The TSUKUBA Museum of Art IBARAKI hosts a graduate exhibition every year in February. An exceptional graduation research projects is awarded the Grand Prize for outstanding Achievement in the Undergraduate School of Art & Design.
Bachelor of Art and Design
Once all graduation requirements are fulfilled, a Bachelor of Art and Design is conferred.
Graduate Paths
Graduates of the undergraduate program express themselves in many ways. Some continue to graduate school, while others work in industry or as independent artisans, designers, and painters in a variety of fields.
In the past three years, our graduates have continued to the following graduate schools and key industry positions: