芸術支援研究会「鎌倉市 鏑木清方記念美術館における地域連携と教育普及活動」Art Environment Support Forum: Community Collaboration and Educational Outreach Activities at the Kaburaki Kiyokata Memorial Art Museum
芸術支援研究会「鎌倉市 鏑木清方記念美術館における地域連携と教育普及活動」
Art Environment Support Forum: Community Collaboration and Educational Outreach Activities at the Kaburaki Kiyokata Memorial Art Museum, Kamakura City
日時: 2024年12月23日 (月)18:15~19:15
Mon. Dec 23 18:15-19:15
場所: 芸術学系棟B521(プレゼンテーションルーム)
聴講自由 Admission Free
講師 Speaker: 今西 彩子氏 Imanishi Ayako
近代日本画の巨匠・鏑木清方(かぶらき きよかた)の画業と創作の場を後世に伝える「鏑木清方記念美術館」。同美術館は鎌倉の旧居跡に建てられ、地域との連携や教育普及活動にも力を入れています。
The “Kaburaki Kiyokata Memorial Museum” preserves the legacy and creative space of the great modern Japanese painter, Kaburaki Kiyokata. The museum is located on the site of his former residence in Kamakura and is dedicated to fostering community engagement and educational outreach activities.
This time, we are pleased to welcome Ayako Imanishi, the museum’s curator, who will share insights into their efforts. Additionally, a viewing experience is also planned. We warmly invite you to join us!
Those who wish to attend are kindly requested to apply through the application form below.