


【日  時】2020年11月29日(日)14:00~16:00

【会  場】ZOOMを使用したオンラインでの開催(事前申込制)


赤間 和美(宮城県美術館 学芸員)
青陽社について ―石川誠、大塚金吾を中心に
伊藤 たまき(斎藤清美術館 学芸員)

【美術史】筑波大学芸術学美術史学会 秋季研究発表会


●2019年11月9日(土) 13時から15時

●筑波大学芸術系棟 B203会議室



伊能 あずさ(佐久市立近代美術館 学芸員)
内藤 航(喜多方市教育委員会 学芸員)


Dr. Gennifer Weisenfeld

“Protect the Skies!” Visualizing Civil Air Defense in Wartime Japan
護れ大空! 戦時期日本の防空イメージをめぐって

筑波大学 芸術系棟 B203会議室



GENNIFER WEISENFELD, Professor in the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies and Dean of the Humanities at Duke University, received her Ph.D. from Princeton University. Her field of research is modern and contemporary Japanese art history, design, and visual culture. Her first book Mavo: Japanese Artists and the Avant-Garde, 1905-1931 (University of California Press, 2002) addresses the relationship between high art and mass culture in the aesthetic politics of the avant-garde in 1920s Japan. And her most recent book Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 (University of California Press, 2012, Japanese edition Seidosha, 2014) examines how visual culture has mediated the historical understanding of Japan’s worst national disaster of the twentieth century. She is the guest editor of the special issue Visual Cultures of Japanese Imperialism of the journal positions: east asia cultures critique (Winter 2000) that includes her essay, “Touring ‘Japan as Museum’: NIPPON and Other Japanese Imperialist Travelogues.” She has also written extensively on the history of Japanese design, such as, “‘From Baby’s First Bath’: Kaō Soap and Modern Japanese Commercial Design” (The Art Bulletin, September 2004) and the core essay on MIT’s award-winning website Visualizing Cultures on the Shiseido company’s advertising design. She is currently working on two new book projects, one titled The Fine Art of Persuasion: Corporate Advertising Design, Nation, and Empire in Modern Japan, and the other, Protect the Skies! Visualizing Civil Air Defense in Wartime Japan.


【美術史】筑波大学芸術学美術史学会 春季研究発表会 


●2019年4月21日(日) 13時から15時

●筑波大学芸術系棟 B203会議室












【美術史】国士舘大学政経学部経済学科講師 河田英介先生に特別講義をしていただきました。


筑波大学 体芸棟 5C507教室
芸術専門学群 専門共通科目「美術論A-2」

コロンビア大学卒業、東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科英語英文学科後期博士課程単位取得退学。筑波大学人文社会系助教(2015-2017)を経て、2018年より国士舘大学政経学部経済学科講師 。専門は英米文学、美学・芸術学。とくにアーネスト・ヘミングウェイ研究と文体論、詩学。現在取り組んでいる研究課題は「 アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ短編作品における文体美学とリアリズムの体系的研究」(科研・基盤研究C 2018-2020)。

芸術専門学群 専門共通科目「美術論A-2」の授業の一環となる特別講義。秋ABでは授業の課題を「1910年の美術」として、1910年代の欧米・日本の芸術思潮を考察しています。通常授業では美術史上の運動や特定の作家・作品を扱うため、そこでカバーできていない文学史について1910-20年代頃に範囲を広げて特別講義をお願いしました。


Art HistorySpecial lecture by Mr. Eisuke Kawada, Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Kokushikan University

Special lecture “Modernist art movements and British and American literature at the beginning of the twentieth century”

Monday, December 10, 2018 3rdperiod (12:15 p.m.­–1:30 p.m.)
University of Tsukuba, Art and Physical Education Area 5C 507
School of Art and DesignSpecialized common subject “Fine Art Theory A-2”

Speaker: Eisuke Kawada
A graduate of Columbia University, Mr. Kawada completed coursework with a degree in the Department of English Language and Literature Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology and Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo. After working as an assistant professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba (2015–2017), he became a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Political Science and Economics at Kokushikan University in 2018. Mr. Kawada specializes in British and American literature, aesthetics, and theory of art, with a focus on Ernest Hemingway’s research, stylistics, and poetics. He is currently working on the research project “A systematic study on style, aesthetics, and realism in the short stories of Ernest Hemingway.” (JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C 2018-2020).


This special lecture formed part of the School of Art and Design specialized common subject “Fine Art Theory A-2” class. In Fall AB, the theme of the lesson was “Fine art in 1910,” in which the Western and Japanese art trends of 1910 were studied. As movements in art history as well as specific artists and their work are covered in the regular class, we asked that the special lecture extend to the literary history of the 1910s and 1920s, which is not covered in the regular class.
The special lecture began with a chronological summary about what the beginning of the twentieth century was like. Mr. Kawada explained that it was an era of various discoveries and technological innovations, and a turning point for value systems based on the ideologies of Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche. After providing an overview of modernist painting, he introduced the class to modernist poetry (Harriet Monroe, Robert Frost, Gertrude Stein, TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, Mina Loy, etc.) and modernist authors (Ernest Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, etc.) as examples of trends in modernist literature in Britain and the United States. He defined it generally as an “era of style” and “era of division and unity.” From this, we learned that these literary and artistic works represented streams of consciousness as they were developed, as they were interconnected in complex ways with other spheres of art.
This time, we were also joined by non-students, with approximately 30 people attending the lecture.