
【美術史】英セインズベリー日本藝術研究所 渡辺俊夫先生に特別講演をしていただきました。

筑波大学 芸術系棟 B203会議室

講師:渡辺俊夫先生 Professor Toshio Watanabe(Ph. D.)
上智大学卒業、バーゼル大学で博士号取得。ロンドン芸術大学(UAL)チェルシー・カレッジ教授の後、現在セインズベリー日本藝術研究所教授。著書にHigh Victorian Japonisme (1991), Japan and Britain: An Aesthetic Dialogue 1850-1930 (1991), Ruskin in Japan 1890-1940: Nature for art, art for life (1997) ほか。英国美術史学会会長、テート・ブリテン評議員等を歴任。2004年ロンドン芸術大学(UAL)に Research Centre for Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN)


Art HistorySainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures  Special Lecture by Professor Toshio Watanabe

Special lecture “The two sides of British and American Japonisme Research”
Thursday, December 6, 2018 3rdperiod (12:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m.)
University of Tsukuba Institute of Art and Design B203 Conference Room

Speaker: Professor Toshio Watanabe (Ph. D.)
Professor Watanabe is a graduate from Sophia University who received his doctorate from the University of Basel. After teaching at the University of the Arts London (UAL) Chelsea College of Arts, he became a professor at the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, where he still teaches today. Books written by Professor Watanabe include High Victorian Japonisme (1991); Japan and Britain: An Aesthetic Dialogue 1850–1930 (1991); and Ruskin in Japan 1890–1940: Nature for art, art for life (1997). He was formerly the Chairman of the Japan Art History Society and a Council Member of Tate Britain. In 2004, he established the Research Centre for Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN) at the University of the Arts London (UAL).


In addition to attendees from this university, including Art and Design faculty members, Humanities and Social Sciences faculty members, students from the Master’s and doctoral programs, college students, and non-degree students, we were joined by graduate students from the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures. In total, around 35 people were present on the day.
The special lecture elaborated the “history of research” with regard to British and American Japonisme research, starting from the pre-1960s’ era to the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2001 onward. With reference to important English, German, and French books, he spoke about the prominent issues of previous research. He also offered in-depth commentary, including references to studies that were problematic in terms of content, despite being best-seller books. This taught us about the other side of research. This lecture detailed the theories and techniques of Japonisme research on top of Professor Watanabe’s own research history, as we learned that Japonisme is not limited to fine art; that we need not only an East and West perspective, but a transnational one; and that we must become conscious of the image of a porous national border as it comes and goes. This was a unique opportunity where those present were able to learn about new research trends as they reflected on their own research.


【美術史】筑波大学芸術学美術史学会 秋季研究発表会


筑波大学芸術学系棟 B203会議室













【Art History】University of Tsukuba Art History Society     Fall Research Presentation Meeting

The University of Tsukuba Art History Society Fall Research Presentation Meeting was held.


Research Presentation
・Ayumi Chu, Fukuoka Art Museum
Épinal prints and the Sōsaku-hanga movement
・Mutsuko Hoshino
Reconsidering the “Lion Beer Hall” mural
—Using unreleased materials of Architect Zushi Yoshihiko—

A fulfilling day was had by all on this late fall weekend, as these two 30-minute presentations were followed by a lively question and answer session in which current college and graduate students and graduates participated.


芸術専門学群【美術史コース】PDF版 案内冊子をアップ




学群・芸術学専攻 美術史コースの学外演習に行ってきました。

11/16 富山県水墨美術館、富山県美術館
11/17 石川県立美術館、鈴木大拙館、金沢湯涌夢二館
11/18 金沢21世紀美術館 ほか



【美術史】海外学外演習:臺日五校藝術史研究生研討會2018(Taiwan-Japan Art History Graduate Student’s Symposium 2018)に参加しました

2018年11月9日から12日まで、博士前期課程芸術専攻(美術史領域)の大学院生4名・教員2名で台湾・台北市での学外演習を行いました。11月10日には台北市の国立台湾大学で「2018年 臺日五校藝術史研究生研討會」に参加し、本学より3名が英語での口頭発表を行いました。この大学院生シンポジウムは今回で8回目となり、台湾からは国立台湾大学、国立中央大学、国立台湾師範大学、日本からは九州大学と筑波大学の合計5校が参加しています。今回は20人の意欲的な発表があり、活発な質疑応答もなされました。また11月11日には国立故宮博物院、台湾当代芸術館(MOCA)で特別展・常設展を観覧しました。

古谷美也子 MiyakoFuruya
BugakuScreens at Rin-nojiTemple: A Study of the General Authority of the Tokugawa Family
大城杏奈 Anna Oshiro
Aspects of Zen Masters Statues in Japan : Focusing on Muso Soseki
黄士誠 Shih-Cheng Huang
Tokyo Visions: The Photomontages of HorinoMasao in HanzaiKagaku (Criminology)

Taiwan-Japan Art History Graduate Student’s Symposium 2018