
UTAC University of Tsukuba Art Collection Special Exhibition

The University of Tsukuba is home to an art collection of over 600 items that are stored and managed by Art and Design. A part of this collection isdisplayed in various exhibition facilities on campus, including the University of Tsukuba Gallery inside the University Hall, the Institute of Art and Design, and the Art and Physical Education Library (https://www.geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp/faculty/939 ).

Last fall, the first permanent off-campus exhibition was opened at the Joyo Bank Tsukuba Science City Branch (1-14-2 Azuma, Tsukuba-shi)(https://www.geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp/faculty/801 ).

This time, we are once again opening a permanent special exhibition in the gallery inside the headquarters of Tsukuba Bank (1-7 Takezono, Tsukuba-shi), located in the central district of Tsukuba, which will display Chinese ceramics from the Ishii Collection, a central component of the collection.

Not only does the University of Tsukuba Art Collection (UTAC) represent the university’s achievements in educational research in fine arts and design, but it is also an instrumental scholarly resource, serving to heighten the presence of the university, particularly the art and design educational research organization.

Special exhibition at the Tsukuba Bank Gallery

[Rintaro Terakado, Social Contribution Team]

An exhibition of the works of Professor Emeritus Morio Shinoda at the Art and Physical Education Library

Social Contribution Teamhas, until now, displayed ceramic items from the Ishii Collection in front of the counter on the second floor of the Art and Physical Education Library. For a time, however, you may view the work TC6106by an artist from this university, Professor Emeritus Morio Shinoda, as a satellite exhibition of the University of Tsukuba Art Collection (UTAC).

University of Tsukuba Library Facebook

Having established his position as an artist after receiving the Kotaro Takamura Award in 1966 and displaying his works at the Venice Biennale, Professor Shinoda taught in Plastic Arts and Mixed Media in the School of Art and Design and in the Art and Design Master’s Program from 1979 to 1994. In addition to his active career as an artist and as a result of his achievements in education, he was the first person in Asia to be awarded the International Sculpture Center’s Outstanding Sculpture Educator Award.

The work 《TC6106》, which is owned by this university, is part of a series of three-dimensional works titled TC (Tension and Compression), in which metal clusters are fixed in mid-air by applying tension and pressure to steel wires. Since the 1950s, this series has been the lifework of Professor Shinoda, who was influenced by the structural theory of American theorist, designer, and architect Richard Buckminster Fuller.

(An image posted on the website, which shows artwork on top of a wooden box with one of Professor Shinoda’s drawings, will not be displayed at the exhibition.)

[Rintaro Terakado, Social Contribution Team]

The Art and Physical Education Library Lounge “Eureka!” installation has been updated

The installation of “Eureka!” in the Art and Physical Education Library Lounge was updated on June 5 (in place until October 31).
Currently, the space features masking tape art by fourth-year student Mei Kasahara (Program in Communication Art and Design and Constructive Art, School of Art and Design).


Art and Design, the School of Art and Design, and the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Art and Design programs will continue to promote research and social contributions by displaying the educational and research achievements across diverse fields of art and design in various locations on campus, including the university library!

University Art Collection Exhibition at the Art and Physical Education Library https://www.geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp/faculty/888

[Social Contribution Team]

本学所蔵 石井コレクション作品をめぐる公開研究会が開催されました



日時 2018年6月3日(日)午後2時~4時 (開場:午後1時半)

場所 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎1階 134講義室

主催 筑波大学芸術系

協力 練馬区立美術館、明治美術学会、筑波大学芸術学美術史学会




「戦後美術の現在形 池田龍雄展-楕円幻想」紹介 

「芸術と社会 池田龍雄と岡本太郎の絵画から」


討議 (15:40~)



Call for papers Art and Design Session in TGSW2018 筑波グローバルサイエンスウィーク2018 芸術セッション 口頭発表&ポスター発表 募集

April 18, 2018

Call for papers

Art and Design Sessionin TGSW2018 Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018

Art and Design Research for Sustainable Development


Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Tsukuba has been recognized as a rare educational institute which awarded postgraduate degrees in Art and Design (PhD in Art, Design and World Cultural Heritage Studies) for more than 40 years. The Faculty also has partnership with more than 15 institutes around the world. At TGSW2018, we will organize international sessions including keynote speech, and oral/poster presentations. We call for papers on topics related to Art and Design. The abstracts will be reviewed by Review Committee consisted of our faculty and external reviewers including scholars from industries, governmental organization, and academic fields.


General Information

Date: 22 Sep 2018   Venue: Tsukuba International Congress Center

10:00-11:30 keynote lecture

11:30-16:30 poster presentation (12:30-13:30 core time: Presenters are expected to be present at the posters.)

14:00-16:30 oral presentation






​Art and Design, and related fields.


Abstract submission

Submit an abstract to the TGSW2018 Art and Design Review Committee TGSW@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jpby 1 June 2018.

  1. Authors’ name(s) and affiliation(s)
  2. Title
  3. Abstract (300words -500words, including purpose, method, result, discussion, and conclusion.)
  4. Your preference for oral / poster presentation
  5. Corresponding author’s E-mail address and phone number



All abstracts will be double-blind peer reviewed by two independent reviewers. Final decision will be made by the Review Committee. Review results will be informed to the authors by mid-July. Accepted abstracts will be published from the TGSW2018 website.


Proceedings paper submission

Final papers of all accepted authors should be submitted by the end of August. Papers should be within 4 pages of A4 size format. Anyone will be able to download the proceedings from the library repository of the University of Tsukuba. After TGSW2018, authors are expected to submit full papers to Journal of Tsukuba Studies in Art and Design.


TGSW2018 Art & Design Session Organizer

TGSW2018 Art & Design Session Organizer

Shinichi Koyama (Session Chair), Kei Ohta, Toshihiro Osada (Review Committee Chair), Sadatoshi Naito, Toshimasa Yamanaka, Sari Yamamoto, Michiko Hayashi & Kanae Minowa

If any question, please send an E-mail to TGSW@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp




口頭発表&ポスター発表 募集






発表日時・場所:2018年9月22日(土) 11:30~16:30(時間は予定)

10:00~11:30 基調講演

11:30~16:30 ポスター展示 (12:30-13:30 コアタイム 発表・質疑)

14:00~16:30 口頭発表 (15分発表+質疑5分 予定)










3.要旨 400words前後(図,写真を入れても可)


4.発表希望カテゴリー ポスターまたは口頭 (どちらかをお選びください)

5.発表代表者連絡先 メールアドレス,電話

提出先:TGSW@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp   締切:6月1日(金)厳守








問い合わせ:TGSW2018芸術系セッション TGSW@geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp


