高校生アートライター大賞最終選考結果ならびに次回予告 The Final Stage Winners for the Art Writer Award for High School Students & Advance Notice of the Next Contest

第10回高校生アートライター大賞 日本語エッセイ部門 最終選考結果を発表




The Final Stage Winners for the 10th Art Writer Award for High School Students, Essays in Japanese

The committee selected the Grand Prize (four entries), Award for Excellence (sixteen entries), Winning Entries (thirty-two entries), and School Award (five entries).
The student selection committee for the Art Writer Award for High School Students selected the Student Prize (two entries).

Advance Notice of the Next Contest
The 11th Art Writer Award for High School Students will be held over a two-year period: essays in English in 2024 and essays in Japanese in 2025.
Application deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024.

For more details, please visit the website of the Art Writer Award for High School Students.