• Campus Artist in Residence

We have published the CAIR 2020 catalogue!!

CAIR Working Team. (Eds). (2020). CAIR 2020: Interaction. Faculty of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba.

CAIR 2020の記録として『CAIR 2020: Interaction』を刊行しました。参加アーティストへのQ&Aを交えた制作過程の紹介や、招へい教員のコラム、各種プログラムの写真などを盛り込んだ、日英両言語による公式カタログです。

We have published CAIR 2020: Interaction catalogue. This is the official catalogue in both Japanese and English, which contains: the introduction of art making by the students artist with Q&A; the guest teachers columns and photographs of the various programmes.


You could see some contents of the catalogue here. If you would like to enjoy the whole, please use the University of Tsukuba Library (Central, Art and Physical Education) or directly contact with the CAIR working team.