• Campus Artist in Residence

CAIR2020テーマ CAIR 2020 theme

Campus Artist in Residence 2020のテーマは、”Interaction“です。


The theme for Campus Artist in Residence 2020 is ‘Interaction‘.

It is aimed at broadening different people’s world through interactions which created by/with practice of art.


CAIR2020メインビジュアル CAIR 2020 Main Visual




「互いに影響を与えあい、そこで新しい何かが生まれる」 そんなCAIR2020を表現しています。

The CAIR 2020 main visual was created by using optical illusion to visualize the theme ‘interaction’.

You’d see a square in the space enclosed by yellow objects, and may feel each object makes a triangle together.

Hope this visual image exactly represents our aim in the CAIR 2020 that ‘the participants affect each other and then something new will be generated’.