• Campus Artist in Residence

Campus Artist in Residence(以下、CAIR)の記録を集めた展示「Outcomes Together: CAIR x3」が、イギリスのユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(以下、UCL)において2023年1月30日から2月10日まで開催されました。箕輪佳奈恵特任助教(筑波大学芸術系/UCL Honorary Senior Research Fellow)の指揮とアンディ・アッシュ准教授(UCL)の協力により、学生アーティストと学生キュレーターがグローバルな美術教育とアート実践に触れることができるプログラムとして構成されたCAIRにおいて、筑波大学とUCL(教育学研究所PGCE[1年制教職大学院]アート& デザイン)の学生たちは過去3年間(2019-2021年度)に渡ってコラボレーションしてきました。

展示は、プロジェクトの3年間を通して生み出された学びや知識、制作された様々な作品、そして人々が寄り集まることで発展してきた実践共同体について感じてもらえるように、5つのテーマ「Reflecting Together」「Changing Together」「Talking Together」「Making Together」「Being Together」に沿って構成されました。


‘Outcomes Together: CAIR x3’ (30th Jan – 10th Feb 2023) is a visual art exhibition that documents the Campus Artist in Residence (CAIR) a collaborative project between The University of Tsukuba Art & Design students and UCL IOE PGCE Art & Design students. This was a three-year programme that was designed to facilitate a global exposure of art education and art practice for student artist and curator participants. These projects were directed by Dr Kanae Minowa (Tsukuba) and Andy Ash (IOE, ADM).

This exhibition was curated around 5 themes, in an attempt to try to give a sense of the learning and knowledge generated, the varied work produced and the community of practice developed by coming together over the 3 years; Reflecting Together; Changing Together; Talking Together; Making Together; Being Together.

(Click here for more exhibition images)




On Thurs 2nd Feb, two visiting students from Tsukuba (Sorako Kashimura, Master’s programme in Art/CAIR 2019-2021 curator; Tomoka Fujikawa, Art History in School of Art & Design/CAIR 2021-2022 curator) met with the MA Museum & Gallery in Education students to present and discuss their experiences as curators of CAIR. Using the gallery space and artwork as the basis for a dialogue students were able to explore a number of pertinent themes around developing a community of practice and collaboration.

We hope to tell a range of visual stories and experiences that the international artists and curators developed during the residencies.



Note: This exhibition and discussion event were held with the support of The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.