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International Visual Literacy Association(国際ヴィジュアルリテラシー協会、IVLA)により開催された初のバーチャル展覧会おきまして、筑波大学芸術系助教McLeod先生が奨励賞、また、筑波大学大学院Qiangwei Xuさんが3位入賞しました。下記のバーチャル展覧会にて作品を鑑賞することができます。




2020年9月25 日~12月31日

URL: visual-messages


Prof. McLeod and Graduate student Qiangwei Xu participated in the first juried virtual exhibition presented by the International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA). Qiangwei Xu won 3rd place for her photograph Smoker’s Prayer (2020). Prof. McLeod received an honorable mention for his photograph Tokyo 2020+0 (2020).





:  Qiangwei Xuさん Smoker’s Prayer,( 2020)   右2作品: Gary McLeod先生 Tokyo 2020+0, (2020)  


International Visual Literacy Associationホームページ https://ivlaconference.org


台湾・大同大學と筑波大学芸術系の学生による共同デザインワークショップ’Project Step 30’が行われています。

東アフリカ諸国の人々を支援するNGO Step 30 International Ministriesの活動を受け、両校の学生が協力してポスター、ロゴ、宣伝動画のほか、机と椅子や水場などの設計・デザインを行います。学生たちは少人数の班に分かれ、コミュニケーションを取り合いながら学生ならではの視点からデザインに挑戦しています。



Project Step 30, a design workshop with Tatung University is held online from 10/22 to 11/14.

The workshop aims at designing posters, logos, videos, and equipments such as desks and chairs for Step 30 International Ministries. Students are divided into small groups, and trying to communicate and collaborate in multiple ways for a better idea.



(左上) 大同大學のみなさんとビデオ通話に映る筑波大学芸術専門学群の学生

(その他) 台湾での授業の様子

(upper left) Tatung University with Tsukuba University on Teams

(others) Class in Taiwan


Step 30 International Ministriesホームページ https://www.step30.org/index_en.php


【ワークショップ&シンポジウム】国際的視点でマンガを考える! ケベック・バンド・デシネ特集シンポジウム





11/23(金・祝)10:00 – 12:00
筑波大学 芸術エリア6A208教室



国際的視点でマンガを考える! ケベック・バンド・デシネ特集シンポジウム

筑波大学 体育・芸術図書館「ユーリカ!」

13:30-14:00   イントロ 山本美希
14:00-15:30   講演 原正人
16:00-17:00   原正人・青柳悦子・ケベックマンガ家トーク
17:00-17:30   ケベックマンガ家






Workshop & SymposiumThinking about Manga from an international perspective! Quebec Comics Symposium (Symposium sur la bande dessinée Québécoise)

At this symposium, we look at popularizing manga abroad and what authors and people involved in manga should consider to achieve such popularity. We also discuss the “qualities” needed in manga to reach audiences outside Japan.
You can learn about manga research all day at this symposium! For example, there will be storytelling and drawing workshops by comic artists from Quebec, Canada, in the morning, and in the afternoon, bande dessinée researcher and translator Masato Hara will present a lecture and discussion.


Bande dessinée workshop 

This workshop is led by six Québécoise comic artists and bande dessinée translator Masato Hara.
A three-course introduction to story writing / drawing / bande dessinée. Please register in advance.

Friday, November 23 (national holiday) 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
University of Tsukuba  Art Area 6A208

Workshop details / Where to register: https://goo.gl/forms/jTgUn19KGgjY73mq1


Thinking about Manga from an international perspective! Quebec Comics Symposium (Symposium sur la bande dessinée Québécoise)

Friday, November 23 (national holiday) Starts 1:30 p.m. Ends 5:45 p.m.

University of Tsukuba Art and Physical Education Library “Eureka!”

1:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m.          Introduction        Miki Yamamoto
“Manga read by people abroad”
2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.          Lecture  Masato Hara
“What manga that crosses our borders needs”
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.          Discussion with Masato Hara, Etsuko Aoyagi, and Québécoise comic artists
“Let us read Québécoise comics”
5:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.          Québécoise comic artists
“The Québécoise comic artists’ recommended book corner”

Symposium registration: https://goo.gl/forms/pdGBJ5AXwz5HizjF3


Click here for maps and contact details, etc.




会場:筑波大学 体育・芸術図書館「ユーリカ!」
平日:8:30-22:00 (学外の方は9:00から)
土日祝:10:00-18:00 ※最終日は15:00終了




ExhibitionThe world of international comics!

The Art and Physical Education Library simultaneously presents two exhibitions introducing international comics.

Québécoise Comics Exhibition and the 2ndGraphic Shakespeare Competition Exhibition of Winning Entries

When: Friday, November 2–Friday, November 30, 2018
Where: University of Tsukuba  Art and Physical Education Library “Eureka!”
Weekdays: 8:30 a.m.–10:00 p.m. (open from 9:00 a.m. for visitors from the public)
Weekends and National Holidays: 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.  ※Closing at 3:00 p.m. on the final day
Visitors from the public must go to the reception and obtain a library pass.

Host: Transborder Manga Research Group

Supported by: Ibaraki Prefecture

Click here for details



※ (Art and Physical Education Library)