ラウル エリース
LAUL Eliis
1st year of Degree Program in Art (Doctoral Program)
Digital C-print
研究テーマ Research Title
In-between East and West: Ways of Seeing and Depiction Through Desire, Japanese Aesthetics and Phenomenology in the Photographic Practices of Daido Moriyama, Takuma Nakahira and Issei Suda
作品解説 Statement
I still don’t know where the true roots of it lie, but to me, this was the way I always saw the world. It was always about the little things but also the big things, you know. The sides and the corners, the colors and textures, the smells and the sounds. The living and the non-living, if you must say. But the world of non-sounds and non-visible were to me as strong as the world of the audible and visible, always going hand in hand, making me confused and happy at the same time. Naturally, it is always everywhere and nowhere, all at once. I love the time spent in this splendor and wonder where everything that I see exists in a way in this same manner. What next will the world bring at my feet, or are my feet going merely where the world guides me? Either way, I cannot get enough of it. It has pierced into my being so much so, that I have a strange feeling that I won’t be able to shake off this way of seeing until I live.
ラウル エリース
1991 エストニア・タリン出身
2015 タリン大学自然科学・健康科学学部心理学科卒業
2019 エストニア芸術アカデミー美術学部写真学科卒業
2021 エストニア芸術アカデミー美術学部現代美術学科修士課程修了
2022 筑波大学外国人研究生
2023 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学学術院人間総合科学研究群芸術学学位プログラム(博士後期課程)入学
現在 同大学院博士後期課程1年次在学中
2023 SAMENESS(Pensee Gallery/群馬・桐生)
2022 Tokyo Screen(アートギャラリーT+/つくば)
2021 The Skin of the City(Vent Space/エストニア・タリン)
2020 NIVEA FOTODOSE(Vitriingalerii/エストニア・タリン)
2018 Otherness(タリン写真美術館)
2023 IMM Tokyo × Tokyo Biennale 2023 Open Call Art Exhibition – It’s Not a Cultural Showcase, but a Window to the Soul(国際ビル/東京・千代田区)
2022 Sumimasen – Japan through the eyes of an Estonian photographer(Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskus/エストニア・タリン)
2020 We all arrived with art(Zollamt gallery/ドイツ・オッフェンバック)
2019 The Glances of Things(Evald Okas Museum/エストニア・ハープサル)
2018 All is gone. Everything is called(ピクトリコ・ギャラリー/東京・渋谷区)
2021 日本政府(文部科学省)奨学生
2019 『FRESH EYES』(GUPマガジン)「ヨーロッパの新人フォトアーティスト100人」選出
2018 リガフォトビエンナーレ、ISSPコンペティション「写真の最先端を求めて」入選