ハンセン マックス
1st year of Degree Program in Art (Doctoral Program)
研究テーマ Research Title
退職後の生活調整支援としてのサードプレイススペース: -セカンドプレイスを失った退職者への役割と意義
Third Places for Retirement Adjustment: The Role and Significance for Retirees who have Lost their Second Place
解説 Statement
In recent years, the global aging demographic has surged with a pronounced shift, leading to a large portion of the population entering retirement. The transition from work to retirement is a significant life event, often characterized by uncertainty, loss of identity, changes in social dynamics, and adapting new routines. During this life transition, the role of “Third Places” gains importance, as they play a crucial role in social lives and community interactions. Coined by sociologist Ray Oldenburg, Third Places encompass community centers, parks, cafes, and recreational facilities, offering a sense of belonging, relaxation, and engagement. Using sentiment analysis, this study seeks to understand retirees’ perceptions of current Third Places compared to their past experiences. By exploring the emotional dimensions of Third Places, the study aims to inform landscape planning that foster community, belonging, and well-being during retirement.
ハンセン マックス
1998 オランダ生まれ
2020 アイントフォーヘン工科大学 インダストリアルデザイン学部 卒業
2023 筑波大学人間総合科学学術院人間総合科学研究群芸術学学位プログラム環境デザイン領域 博士前期課程 修了
現在 同大学院博士後期課程1年次在学中
2021 International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility (ICES 2021)
2022 Annual Spring Conference Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility (KOSES 2022)
2022 The 69th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD)
2022 Kanto Branch Conference of the Japan Society of Landscape Architecture (日本造園学会関東支部大会 2022)
2023 The 15h International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE 2023)
2023 Journal Science of Emotion and Sensibility Vol.26 No.2
2023 Conference International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG’i 2023)
2023 The 13th International Conference on Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE 2023)
2023 Kanto Branch Conference of the Japan Society of Landscape Architecture (日本造園学会関東支部大会 2023)
2023 International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility (ICES 2023)