陶による造形の独自性についての一考察 −里中英人が1970年〜1976年に制作した作品を手がかりに− (2014、齋藤敏寿SAITO Toshiju)

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Discussion concerning the Uniqueness of Shape Forming in Ceramic Art

– Clues found in the works and trial pieces of Hideto Satonaka created between 1970 and 1976 –

 SAITO Toshiju

The Japanese ceramic artist Hideto Satonaka (1932-1989) reported that “from various full-fledged attempts to experiment with the relationship between raw pottery materials and metal oxides… the discoveries made from such experiments—a ‘metamorphosis of substances’ or what could also be called the nucleus of pottery– later became an important ‘core’ of my creativity.” Using clues found in the works of Satonaka created between 1970 and 1976, this paper examines the essence of the uniqueness of creating shapes with baked clay.

This paper first presents a brief history of Satonaka and describes works that he made between 1970 and 1976. A rereading of 4 previous studies on Satonaka, as well as two of Satonaka’s own writings, “New creations based on ceramics – concepts and technologies” and “An enquiry about the meaning of baking clay” was used as a basis to study and review Satonaka’s concepts and acts that were involved with his creations. The present study examines the relationship between the phenomenon of transforming shapes from clay into ceramics and Satonaka’s works with the concept of “making form disappear” which was reached from his enquiries and attempts related to his noteworthy series of works “ABC Scars,” expressed in his own words as “the union and fusion of clay with other substances, the act of intertwining of one thing with another.” Furthermore, there is a discussion about the special nature of ceramics, and an interpretation of the uniqueness of creating shapes with ceramics, based on research that corroborated with Satonaka’s concepts and artistic trials.