嶋田 珠々
1st year of Degree Program in Art (Doctoral Program)
研究テーマ Research Title
Research on the Effect of Wooden Spaces on Nursery Schools and Kindergartens:A Clarification of its Regional Design
解説 Statement
This study focuses on “wood and children” and aims to clarify the effects of wood use in early childhood education, as well as to clarify desirable forms for people (children, teachers, parents, local residents, wood business operators, etc.) and the environment (forests, processing factories, places of use, etc.) by introducing optimal building materials for nursery schools and kindergartens and clarifying factors promoting their use. The purpose of this project is to clarify the desirable forms for people (children, teachers, parents, local residents, wood business operators, etc.) and the environment (forests, processing factories, places of use, etc.).
嶋田 珠々
1998 埼玉県生まれ
2021 埼玉大学教育学部卒業
2023 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学学術院人間総合科学研究群芸術学学位プログラム環境デザイン領域 博士前期課程修了
現在 同大学院 博士後期課程1年次在学中
2022 日本造園学会関東支部大会,口頭発表(茨城大学/茨城県阿見町)
2023 第19回子ども学会議,ポスター発表(白百合女子大学/東京都調布市)
2023 第32回地理情報システム学会学術研究発表大会,口頭発表(電気通信大学/東京都調布市)
2023 13th ICLEE International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Poster session(Jeju National University/Jeju,Korea)
2023 日本造園学会関東支部大会,口頭発表(前橋工科大学/群馬県前橋市)