[Award] Best conference paper award at the 2024 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research [Design Studies]

Ms. Tadamizu Sato (Master's Program in Design, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences)

[Award] Japan Society for the Science of Design 2024 Autumn Planning Conference Student Proposition Outstanding Presentation Award [Design Studies]

Yasuto Hasegawa (Master's Program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Design Studies Program)

[Award] Japan Institute of Design Promotion, 2024 Good Design New Hope Award Winner (Information Design) [Design Studies]

Kotaro Hosoya (Master's Program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Design Studies Program)

[Award] Won the Jury Prize (Okazaki Prize) at the 17th Shachihata New Product Design Competition [Design Studies]

Yasuto Hasegawa (Master's Program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Design Studies Program)

[Award] Japan Society for the Science of Design Good Presentation Award (General Session) [Design Studies]

Tomomi Era (PhD program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Design Studies Program)

FY2023 MITOU IT Talent Discovery and Development Project Super Creator Certification [Design Studies]

Yasuto Hasegawa (Master's Program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Design Studies Program)

[Award] Received the Young Excellence Presentation Award at the Architectural Institute of Japan Convention (Kinki) Urban Planning Division [Design Studies]

The 2023 Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Conference (Kinki) was held at Kyoto University from September 9th to 12th, 15, and the Urban Planning Division was selected as the winner.

[Award] Winner of the Excellence Award in the Games & Interactions category of the 29th Student CG Contest [Design Studies]

Yasuto Hasegawa (Master's Program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Design Studies Program)

[Award] “SPATIALIZER” won the excellent work at ISCA 2023 [Design Studies]

ISCA was held at Grand Front Osaka on January 2023st and 12nd, 8...

[Award] Winner in the Interactive Art category at the Asia Digital Art Award Exhibition FUKUOKA Student Category [Design Studies]

Student category of the media art competition "Asia Digital Art Grand Prize Exhibition FUKUOKA"...

[Award] Received local PR award at Rethink Creative Contest 2023 [Design Studies]

"Rethink" is an initiative to solicit posters that express the charm of local areas from all over Japan.