FY2023 MITOU IT Talent Discovery and Development Project Super Creator Certification [Design Studies]

Taito Hasegawa (2nd year student in the Design Degree Program at the School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Master's program), Supervisor: Associate Professor Toshiro Uchiyama, Faculty of Arts) has been recognized as a "Super Creator" in the 2023 MITOU IT Talent Discovery and Development Initiative.

In order to discover and nurture young IT talent (creators) with outstanding talent, IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan) has been implementing the "Mitou Project (Mitou IT Talent Discovery and Development Project)" since fiscal year 2000. Of the 2023 Mitou Creators who were selected for and completed the 36 Mitou IT Talent Discovery and Development Project, 25 were recognized as having achieved outstanding results and were certified as "Super Creators" for fiscal year 2023.


Project name: Development of an electronic musical instrument that plays in space

2023 people recognized as "Super Creators" in the 25 MITOU IT Talent Discovery and Development Program | IPA