- [Solo Exhibition Information] A solo exhibition by graduate Naoko Fukuyama
Graduate Naoko Fukuyama will hold a solo exhibition titled "Ceramics that Create Landscapes." […]
- [Exhibition] University of Tsukuba, School of Art and Design Graduation Exhibition 2025 (first half) February 2025th (Tue) - February 2nd (Sun), 11
The University of Tsukuba School of Art and Design Graduation Exhibition 2025 (first half) will begin tomorrow. […]
- [Exhibition] Mutoka Yone Solo Exhibition "Heaven" February 2025th (Mon) - February 2th (Fri), 10
The solo exhibition "Heaven" by Jone Mutka, an exchange student from Finland, has started today. [...]
- “Heaven” Jone Mutka February 2025th (Monday) – February 2th (Friday), 10
"Heaven" will be held. Venue: Art Gallery T+ Period: February 2th (Mon) - February 10th (Fri) Exhibitor: Jone Mutka Heaven in English […]
- [Exhibition] Wang Jingsheng's solo exhibition "Rankankai" will be held from February 2025th (Fri) to February 2rd (Sun) 7.
Starting tomorrow, the solo exhibition "Rankankai" by Wang Jingsheng, a first-year doctoral student in the printmaking field, will be held at galleryneo_ / […]
- Yuki Hoshino solo exhibition "Nike's Tears" February 2025st (Fri) - March 2th (Sat), 21
A solo exhibition by Yuki Hoshino, a graduate of the Western painting course, will be held. Period: Friday, February 2025, 2 to Saturday, March 21, 3 Time: 8:10-30:18 Closed on Sundays and Mondays Venue: SASAI FINE ARTS […]
- "Kitty Meow Meow Meow Exhibition" February 2025th (Thursday) to February 2th (Monday), 20
Assistant Professor Hoshi Mika (Western painting) will be exhibiting at a group exhibition. Period: Thursday, February 2025, 2 to Monday, February 20, 2 Time: 24:11-00:17 *Until 00:16 on the last day Venue [...]
- Close Your Eyes by Saya Ohinata February 2rd (Mon) - February 3th (Fri)
"Close your eyes" will be held. Venue: Art Gallery T+ Period: February 2rd (Mon) - February 3th (Fri) Exhibitor: Ohinata Saya [...]