Public viewing to cheer for Kazunari Watanabe!

There are presently about 50 households (mainly from Futaba in the Fukushima prefecture) that have been evacuated to Namiki, Tsukuba city. In this context, we are delighted to hear that Kazunari Watanabe, native of Futaba, will attend the London Olympics to compete in the cycle race. Since the people of Futuba have been domestically displaced, we would like to encourage the whole city of Tsukuba to cheer for Kazunari Watanabe! A public screening of the taped broadcast of Kazunari Watanabe’s Olympic cycling event will be shown. The viewing will also be an occasion for a workshop called “Power generation! Miniature cycle race”, so let’s cheer for Kazunari Watanabe while having fun! (Kataoka)

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