Group #1: Visit to Sanriku, 1st day

As an intensive course for the CR project, we organized a visit to Sanriku for 2 days and one night. Due to the large number of participants (60 people), we have divided into 2 groups. Today we are taking the first group to carry out an inspection — along with the teachers there is a total of 40 people. We traveled to Sanriku aboard a large charter bus.

First, we visited Ishinomaki. Mr. Masatoshi Saijo of the Ishinomaki Mangattan Museum gave a presentation to our group.

The museum, a white round building, can be seen in the background of this picture.

Mr. Masatoshi Saijo. He discussed the present activities of the museum and the Ishinomaki recovery projects they are planning for the future.

Next, we went to the Hiyori Art Center located in a nearby shopping district. Depicted here is a gallery that holds activities as part of the disaster recovery support project organized by the city of Yokohama and the city of Ishinomaki.
Ms. Saori Tateishi gave a lecture. Due to the large number of attendees, we had to listen to her from the pathways. It was very kind of her to make this speech considering the sun was very strong that day.

Then, we went to the Katariba education center of Onnagawa, where they carry out educational support activities for the children of Onnagawa.
Mr. Koichi Nakao, graduate of the Unversity of Tsukuba. After the disaster, he became employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is currently working there.

We will forever remember the motivation possessed by the three volunteers, standing on the right side of the photo, during this event.

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